Specialty Crop Event Toolkits for Farmers Markets

Specialty Crop Event Toolkits

The Tennessee Association of Farmers Markets (TAFM) aims to strengthen the viability and visibility of specialty crop producers through the distribution of toolkits for developing and promoting specialty crop-focused events at farmers markets.

Toolkits for the following specialty crops are available:

  • Blueberries

  • Cut Flowers

  • Honey

  • Strawberries

  • Summer Squash/Zucchini

  • Sweet Corn

  • Tomatoes

  • Winter Squash/Pumpkins

Included in each kit: Event Planning checklist, Promotional Calendar, Sample Press Kit, Promotional Graphics, Suggested Activities, Data Collection, Additional Resources and Graphics, Stock Photos, Customer Surveys, and a Seasonal Produce Chart.

Digital toolkits are available for download by clicking the button below.